Sunday, January 30, 2022

Crazy busy relaxing Sunday!!!

 What a beautiful day,  I have been going nonstop its almost 7 in the evening, and I am still feeling pretty good. I started making a crockpot full of chicken breast and legs to make shredded chicken for a couple of my recipes today,   and the soup of the day I made was a potato and ham soup, made with cheddar/Monterey jack/ and Gruyere .   there is flour in this as well as potatoes and milk. I will not eat this, I made this for a friend/coworker at the office...  and then i made a Keto Chile Rellenos Casserole for a few of my meals for the week..   and i finally decided to stop after making this creamy chocolate peanut butter mascarpone mousse,  of course Keto friendly and made with monkfruit......   The older neighbor lady stopped in this evening, so i gave her some of the soup......  and I still managed to do my workout.   This would have never been me a few years ago.  A dear friend of mine gave me good advice as I wanted to get out on the trail today, but i lost my ice cleats in the fire years ago, and never replaced those,  and I have been feeling too good, to chance an injury falling on ice.  However.  I did do the "heavy boxing " workout both days,  adding more time and more exercises (squats and burpees)  as it is taking more to get my heartrate up,  hell I used to just stand up from the couch and I would have tachycardia from being so out of shape.... not the case right now :) .    Oh and I have dropped 20 lbs since starting this on Dec 22,  although it truly isn't about the weight, but about how I feel..  right???   Like I have said Keto isn't for everyone... but I certainly agree with it :)   I promise my friends, I will try really hard not to be so perky,  I will try not to mention the word  K.E.T.O  or B.O.X.I.N.G or C.A.M.P.I.N.G  all week, I promise to try.   Please have a blessed week filled with Grace... and be Kind to one another.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Sometimes the answer is NO!!!.... it's about Surrender

 Winter Routine,  it has been steady snow and frigid temperatures here in Western PA,   I remember growing up it was like this most of the time.  I do not mind the snow, I do not mind driving in it,  I do not mind anything about it.   I am thinking this weekend I may get out to my favorite (trail) and do a little hike.  

 a few weeks ago, I had a "personal" opportunity that I thought would be good for me,  I remember asking myself.... is this something that is supposed to be,  something that will be good for me.  or is it something I wanted and not necessarily what I needed??  for a few day at the beginning of January,  it caused a little bit of conflict in me.....  it wasn't until I Surrendered and Trusted that God knows exactly what I need at this very moment,  at my NOW!   and for now the answer is no. and I am more than okay with that, and now that  I can look at the past opportunity with a clear thought,  I totally agree that it wasn't good for me.

I am truly at the best time in my life, and I wouldn't change it for anything.  I don't ever remember feeling this good in my younger days,     I do not feel like I am 54,   I don't move like I am 54,   I don't punch the heavy bag like  I am 54.   even after shoveling my body recovered immediately,   I have a few more days in January to eat what  I call Keto Perfect.  as I was doing the 30 day challenge.  My daughter and friends are tired of hearing about Keto and Boxing and Snow..... LOL   they tease me good naturedly of course...   Please understand,  I go through the same struggles......  it's just by Gods Grace, and how i am made.....  (*i think i got it from Patty Hockenberry)  but the Joy in my heart  has and needs no explanation or understanding  

A few people asked what my Keto cooking would be this weekend....... I'll let you know,  not sure yet.

Please be Kind to one another, and Surrender to your NOW.......  

Saturday, January 22, 2022

90 minute Nap!!!

 Today's keto friendly meal "Chicken Parmesan Stuffed Zucchini "  so easy and delicious the ingredients are : ground chicken, marina sauce, garlic salt and pepper, freshly grated mozzarella and freshly grated parmesan and hollowed out zucchini boats- the recipe is exceptionally easy and a great find given to me by one of my co-workers.
One day a week, I stay at my daughter Katie's house.  we usually watch one of our cooking contest shows, i do my laundry, we order out, and just relax, and i have a lot of puppy cuddle time !!!  and i have my own room so i sleep over,  I usually get up early (5 am)  get my coffee and chill with the dogs until Katie finally wakes up.  This morning i was just tired,  didn't even finish my coffee, and fell asleep until 8  (*which is unheard for me,)   still feeling tired, came back to my apartment  did a few things, etc.   and ended up taking a nap,  it was one of those naps that I was aware that I couldn't wake myself up,   I am all for naps, I think they are healthy,  and 20 to 30 minutes  is usually enough just to energize me... but today it was 90 minutes.......   still waking up tired I made my cup of coffee with heavy cream, pumpkin pie spice, monkfruit and 1 TBS of butter... it was after that I finally started to feel my energy come back........  and have my house cleaning done,   laundry hung up and put away  and  even enjoyed my Boxing workout........  have i mentioned how much i love my boxing workout yet ???? 

I miss old Bill,  but i just sense that he is happy that I am so happy.   I really do feel that we are still connected and that gives me peace!!!   You know we don't really die,  our souls just go into a different dimension  and humans just can't seem to understand or see this.   But i do know this, the same connection i felt when i first met him, where i had the overwhelming sense that i knew him forever.  and the same connection i had with him when he was alive...... I still feel that!!  and I think that is why i feel so much peace and happiness......   my soul still knows his soul.   death really can't separate souls,  it just separates the human body 

Tomorrow i may go out for a little hike around the lake,    after all it's going to be a hot and balmy 23 degrees   Have a blessed day.  and be Kind to each other....... 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Brutally Honest and Offensive

 This photo of a rose was sent to me from a " teacher" that lives in Arizona,  so snow and ice here,  sun and flowers blooming there... what an amazing world we live in!!!  I was so glad he took the time to send this perfect rose to me :) .

  Here i am sitting by my window, and the feel of the warm sun on me is deceiving compared to the actual temperature outside right now which is 9 degrees.   

  I know i promised a few people that i would blog more often, but it isn't easy...   not the blogging part but worrying if you are too down,  it "offends" people,  if you are too happy it "offends" people.  if you do Keto, it offends people   If you love God it offends people, .......... do you get the picture.... More and more people are offended by everything anymore.... But offending is not my intent,  nor my problem.  I have just came to the stage in my life, some call it age, some call it wisdom....   I try to be honest in this Blog, brutally at times,  So if there comes a time that you are sick of my post,  stop reading, no hard feelings......  after all we are all Perfectly imperfect and that is the beauty in all of Us.

   I have been feeling so good for the past month,  I mean so freaking good , it still surprises me,  I have this incredible joy in my heart,  like all the time.  and i am sure my constant joy is annoying the shit out of some people, some of my friends.   I can't help it,   I can't pretend to not be so happy!  it is a peace that passes all understanding!!!  and I keep thanking God for his Grace.........because it is by Grace only and i am humbly aware of that.    I guess normal life things are still happening,  I still experience loss, and loneliness, crazy busy days at work,  Patients that try my "patience",  people that carry such bad energy that i am constantly blocking and protecting my soul from following suite..... but even these things can't seem to touch my joy right now....  oh you, my blog will be the first to know  when it happens, as life is ups and downs, joy and sadness, peace and fear, love and hate, poverty and abundance.............

  So at this moment this is what is making me filled with Joy,   my relationship with God ,My job, Keto, Boxing, and My apartment.... in no particular order.......   

There is a lot of darkness in this world,  and one tiny light doesn't seem to help........ but if we all do our part, and let our light shine even in the darkest of darks...., and if more and more people let their spirits shine........ we'd have plenty of light to even help even those in darkness see....... so choose Kindness  and choose Joy!!!

Monday, January 17, 2022

Best Day EVER!!!!

I knew yesterday that I would be working from home today, I absolutely love the company I work for,  and they truly care about their staff and their clients......  People keep telling me the older I get the more that i will NOT like winter.   ummm don't think it is going to happen.  there is just something about being snowed in, and all huddled up and cozy. while winter is wide awake outside.  

 My energy level is through the roof, and it kind of hit me later on in the day.  Still up at 5:30 am,  with my music, and my cup of coffee,  I was sitting there remembering when i was a child and I couldn't wait to get outside in the snow,  waiting for mom to put the wonder bread bags on my feet, over my socks and just before the boots.  i vaguely remember  I really didn't have the elbow joint or the knee joint once my mom was done layering me with clothing,  (we couldn't afford the fancy snow suits for 7 children).  And my thoughts came back to present time, and I thought, why can't I go out in this?  so leggings, a shirt and a sweatshirt, a warm hat, gloves..... oh and boots  (*yes mom was frowning from heaven i am sure)  she would have said i wasn't dressed warm enough and I needed a coat, but i digress .......  At 6 am I was the only person outside in my apartment complex,  my car was covered with a good 7-8 inches of snow, and the snow was swiftly coming down.  I swept it off, even removing the snow from the roof.... it felt wonderful,  every cell in my body was alive and  I felt complete joy,  I didn't want to go inside, and it was such a work out. so i went to the elderly couples car across from mine,   I knew they wouldn't be out in this for a few days, but i didn't want the snow to pile i cleaned their car,   I was still feeling pretty good. so there is one tenant that leaves the same time as me every morning so i cleaned his truck and had it ready for him.... and then I decided i needed to get ready for my day at work.  However my daughter called me, and she was heading over to my son's shop to do the sidewalks.....  so I met her,  helped her shovel out the Pizza shop.... came home and was able to start work by 9 :)    Work kept me busy but that was a good thing,  I was afraid it would drag on....but it did not.  

I went out a second time this evening spent approx 30 minutes removing snow from my car again and shoveling and sweeping the sidewalks which had more in the afternoon than they did in the morning.  I so loved everything about today.

Keto is so amazing.... and that is why i call it the Keto Life and not a "Diet".  My fitbit shows that i worked out in the zone for an hour and thirty minutes.    seriously.  my arms are a little sore,  but my back and knees are fine.  I promised katie i will not do my boxing routine tonight..... but i am so wanting too. but know that i have to go slow and build up stamina.    here is my Keto pizza soup i slow cooked last night,  and these VERY yummy keto cookies.. one hits the spot:   and there is only yokes, 3 Tbs of monkfruit, Lily sugar free chocolate chips, unsweetened coconut and pecans .... absolutely my favorite so far.

Please make tomorrow your best day ever.... and the day after that, and the day after that.... be kind to everyone

Saturday, January 15, 2022

keto life 25 days today...... crazy results


I have been asked privately 3 times,(this week)  as to why I don't blog alot!!!  and I really don't have an answer,  I have posted on facebook, but I guess that is different.  I still journal the old fashion way you know with a paper journal and pen :) .

I am on an incredible quest for my health, even stronger than i was when i started just shortly before Chris died!   My beautiful journey of sadness and loss in the past year,  has put me on a path to a beautiful spiritual journey....  I wouldn't change it for anything.   

I am not endorsing Keto, and I am NOT saying that it is  for everyone,   Nothing is for everyone,   But i am going to share my journey on how Keto is doing for me.  It is the perfect plan for my genetic makeup !!  and the last 25 days  is showing that.  the biggest thing i noticed is my resting heart rate has dropped 10 beats,  (*I have worn a fitbit for years).   I have so much energy it is insane.  my clothes are getting loose and i've dropped 15 lbs.  Last week i started boxing using a heavy weight bag,  for the first week i did 10 minutes.    this week I started 20 minutes......   during the short breaks in between hitting jabbing and cutting,  I do deep leg squats or leg hits to the bag .. and i do this none stop!!  It's really odd nothing hurts on me,  not my joints, nor my back,  and i shouldn't be feeling this good being 54 years old.  

I am having fun making my Keto meals,  and I prep on Sunday for the entire week.  Tonight i made Creamy sun dried tomato basil chicken.   ( cream sauce made with dry white wine, butter, heavy cream, sun dried tomatoes and fresh basil)    I am also finding great results with drinking my ketones twice a day for this first month,   It does not cause tachycardia, or jitteriness.  it does not cause digestive issues or those kind of problems.   My blood sugars are steady at 90-94  never changing,  not dropping , or not  rising. and the icing on the cake,   I am not waking up in the middle of the night..

I like my journey called life, both the good and the bad,   I have chosen to focus on the Good... we all have that choice when it is all said and done.  Please remember to be kind to one another

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

I Tripped........... but didn't fall Thank God!!!!

I really thought the end of the year with the Holidays and such would be such a lonely time,   and there were a few minutes when I felt lonely.... but truly it was such a beautiful time for me.  and I had so much pure and simple joy in my heart...  at times I was overwhelmed with the Grace of it all. From Christmas Morning brunch at my daughter Katie's home with their Dad Albert and Andrew and Sammy.   Do my Children now Adults even understand the Gift that they have,   Their Dad and I have been Divorced for 25 years,   and we still get together Christmas mornings   My kids know no different.   Did they notice Us in the kitchen being kind to each other,  he making French Toast, and I making potato's and bacon.  Albert has always been a great dad, and has always put his kid's first.   and we both made it work for the benefit of our young Children, and now our Adult Children.!  The Holiday's ended with New Years eve, and this is where the Loneliness hit a little, as I had no one to hug..... No one to share the intimacy of that moment.  I may have even felt sorry for myself, and maybe even pouted before I just said to God,  "okay God you know my needs better than me,  so i will trust that I need this season to be alone with you,  and I will rejoice in the moment that I am given....   and that is what  I did, I had the best New Years Day,   alone in my apartment,  watching NCIS reruns, listening to music, baking and cooking my favorite Keto recipes.,,,,, and speaking of which,  hence brings me to the title of this post..... since Thanksgiving day until December 22.  I relaxed my healthy life style a little bit,   allowing potatos more frequently,  having a dessert more often than once every few months.  and then I started eating a little bread.  On the 21st,  at the office Christmas Party,  i ate pasta and "allowed" myself to have the dessert,   My dear friend also at this time gave me a gift to try to help with my Keto plan.......  I was so appreciative,  and let her know that i couldn't wait to get back on track and try this supplement Ketone drink on the first of the year!!  Didn't think anything of it....  until that night, and call it an Angel, God , inner voice,...   but i suddenly knew I had to start NOW.!!!   I remembered my Brother Chris and my promise to him,.....   so the next morning Dec 22   I started back to Keto and adding the ketone drink..   in that short month when i kept slipping and making excuses.....   I gained back approx. 12 of the 70 lbs that I lost !!    this is where I tripped but did not fall.......   who loses 13 lbs  between Christmas and New Years????   This Girl :) !!!! but my Weight is just a number on the scale.......  what matters is I feel so dang Good,  so much energy, no body aches, no bloating!!!    before this all happened i was thinking about changing from Keto back to Low carb or Paleo,  but honestly for my genetic make up...... it seems that Keto is the only thing that works for me.   (*my last Dr Appointment in early November, showed perfect numbers My A1C is still in the mid 5's has been since i had been diagnosed BP is perfect,  My eye exam was more than perfect)  So 2022,   I welcome you,  and 2021 I will miss you,  Yes there were losses, big ones,  but what I gained in 2021 far outweighs any sadness that I had.   Love and Blessings  Please be Kind and lets all start 2022 with a positive attitude and a life surrounded by Grace......... that is my prayer for Us all!!!

Just a little sad!! dealing with a few things

Yesterday was two years since my dear old friend and mentor died.  funny the second year brought up more memories than the first year of his...