Monday, January 17, 2022

Best Day EVER!!!!

I knew yesterday that I would be working from home today, I absolutely love the company I work for,  and they truly care about their staff and their clients......  People keep telling me the older I get the more that i will NOT like winter.   ummm don't think it is going to happen.  there is just something about being snowed in, and all huddled up and cozy. while winter is wide awake outside.  

 My energy level is through the roof, and it kind of hit me later on in the day.  Still up at 5:30 am,  with my music, and my cup of coffee,  I was sitting there remembering when i was a child and I couldn't wait to get outside in the snow,  waiting for mom to put the wonder bread bags on my feet, over my socks and just before the boots.  i vaguely remember  I really didn't have the elbow joint or the knee joint once my mom was done layering me with clothing,  (we couldn't afford the fancy snow suits for 7 children).  And my thoughts came back to present time, and I thought, why can't I go out in this?  so leggings, a shirt and a sweatshirt, a warm hat, gloves..... oh and boots  (*yes mom was frowning from heaven i am sure)  she would have said i wasn't dressed warm enough and I needed a coat, but i digress .......  At 6 am I was the only person outside in my apartment complex,  my car was covered with a good 7-8 inches of snow, and the snow was swiftly coming down.  I swept it off, even removing the snow from the roof.... it felt wonderful,  every cell in my body was alive and  I felt complete joy,  I didn't want to go inside, and it was such a work out. so i went to the elderly couples car across from mine,   I knew they wouldn't be out in this for a few days, but i didn't want the snow to pile i cleaned their car,   I was still feeling pretty good. so there is one tenant that leaves the same time as me every morning so i cleaned his truck and had it ready for him.... and then I decided i needed to get ready for my day at work.  However my daughter called me, and she was heading over to my son's shop to do the sidewalks.....  so I met her,  helped her shovel out the Pizza shop.... came home and was able to start work by 9 :)    Work kept me busy but that was a good thing,  I was afraid it would drag on....but it did not.  

I went out a second time this evening spent approx 30 minutes removing snow from my car again and shoveling and sweeping the sidewalks which had more in the afternoon than they did in the morning.  I so loved everything about today.

Keto is so amazing.... and that is why i call it the Keto Life and not a "Diet".  My fitbit shows that i worked out in the zone for an hour and thirty minutes.    seriously.  my arms are a little sore,  but my back and knees are fine.  I promised katie i will not do my boxing routine tonight..... but i am so wanting too. but know that i have to go slow and build up stamina.    here is my Keto pizza soup i slow cooked last night,  and these VERY yummy keto cookies.. one hits the spot:   and there is only yokes, 3 Tbs of monkfruit, Lily sugar free chocolate chips, unsweetened coconut and pecans .... absolutely my favorite so far.

Please make tomorrow your best day ever.... and the day after that, and the day after that.... be kind to everyone

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