Saturday, January 22, 2022

90 minute Nap!!!

 Today's keto friendly meal "Chicken Parmesan Stuffed Zucchini "  so easy and delicious the ingredients are : ground chicken, marina sauce, garlic salt and pepper, freshly grated mozzarella and freshly grated parmesan and hollowed out zucchini boats- the recipe is exceptionally easy and a great find given to me by one of my co-workers.
One day a week, I stay at my daughter Katie's house.  we usually watch one of our cooking contest shows, i do my laundry, we order out, and just relax, and i have a lot of puppy cuddle time !!!  and i have my own room so i sleep over,  I usually get up early (5 am)  get my coffee and chill with the dogs until Katie finally wakes up.  This morning i was just tired,  didn't even finish my coffee, and fell asleep until 8  (*which is unheard for me,)   still feeling tired, came back to my apartment  did a few things, etc.   and ended up taking a nap,  it was one of those naps that I was aware that I couldn't wake myself up,   I am all for naps, I think they are healthy,  and 20 to 30 minutes  is usually enough just to energize me... but today it was 90 minutes.......   still waking up tired I made my cup of coffee with heavy cream, pumpkin pie spice, monkfruit and 1 TBS of butter... it was after that I finally started to feel my energy come back........  and have my house cleaning done,   laundry hung up and put away  and  even enjoyed my Boxing workout........  have i mentioned how much i love my boxing workout yet ???? 

I miss old Bill,  but i just sense that he is happy that I am so happy.   I really do feel that we are still connected and that gives me peace!!!   You know we don't really die,  our souls just go into a different dimension  and humans just can't seem to understand or see this.   But i do know this, the same connection i felt when i first met him, where i had the overwhelming sense that i knew him forever.  and the same connection i had with him when he was alive...... I still feel that!!  and I think that is why i feel so much peace and happiness......   my soul still knows his soul.   death really can't separate souls,  it just separates the human body 

Tomorrow i may go out for a little hike around the lake,    after all it's going to be a hot and balmy 23 degrees   Have a blessed day.  and be Kind to each other....... 

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