Tuesday, January 4, 2022

I Tripped........... but didn't fall Thank God!!!!

I really thought the end of the year with the Holidays and such would be such a lonely time,   and there were a few minutes when I felt lonely.... but truly it was such a beautiful time for me.  and I had so much pure and simple joy in my heart...  at times I was overwhelmed with the Grace of it all. From Christmas Morning brunch at my daughter Katie's home with their Dad Albert and Andrew and Sammy.   Do my Children now Adults even understand the Gift that they have,   Their Dad and I have been Divorced for 25 years,   and we still get together Christmas mornings   My kids know no different.   Did they notice Us in the kitchen being kind to each other,  he making French Toast, and I making potato's and bacon.  Albert has always been a great dad, and has always put his kid's first.   and we both made it work for the benefit of our young Children, and now our Adult Children.!  The Holiday's ended with New Years eve, and this is where the Loneliness hit a little, as I had no one to hug..... No one to share the intimacy of that moment.  I may have even felt sorry for myself, and maybe even pouted before I just said to God,  "okay God you know my needs better than me,  so i will trust that I need this season to be alone with you,  and I will rejoice in the moment that I am given....   and that is what  I did, I had the best New Years Day,   alone in my apartment,  watching NCIS reruns, listening to music, baking and cooking my favorite Keto recipes.,,,,, and speaking of which,  hence brings me to the title of this post..... since Thanksgiving day until December 22.  I relaxed my healthy life style a little bit,   allowing potatos more frequently,  having a dessert more often than once every few months.  and then I started eating a little bread.  On the 21st,  at the office Christmas Party,  i ate pasta and "allowed" myself to have the dessert,   My dear friend also at this time gave me a gift to try to help with my Keto plan.......  I was so appreciative,  and let her know that i couldn't wait to get back on track and try this supplement Ketone drink on the first of the year!!  Didn't think anything of it....  until that night, and call it an Angel, God , inner voice,...   but i suddenly knew I had to start NOW.!!!   I remembered my Brother Chris and my promise to him,.....   so the next morning Dec 22   I started back to Keto and adding the ketone drink..   in that short month when i kept slipping and making excuses.....   I gained back approx. 12 of the 70 lbs that I lost !!    this is where I tripped but did not fall.......   who loses 13 lbs  between Christmas and New Years????   This Girl :) !!!! but my Weight is just a number on the scale.......  what matters is I feel so dang Good,  so much energy, no body aches, no bloating!!!    before this all happened i was thinking about changing from Keto back to Low carb or Paleo,  but honestly for my genetic make up...... it seems that Keto is the only thing that works for me.   (*my last Dr Appointment in early November, showed perfect numbers My A1C is still in the mid 5's has been since i had been diagnosed BP is perfect,  My eye exam was more than perfect)  So 2022,   I welcome you,  and 2021 I will miss you,  Yes there were losses, big ones,  but what I gained in 2021 far outweighs any sadness that I had.   Love and Blessings  Please be Kind and lets all start 2022 with a positive attitude and a life surrounded by Grace......... that is my prayer for Us all!!!

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