Friday, January 21, 2022

Brutally Honest and Offensive

 This photo of a rose was sent to me from a " teacher" that lives in Arizona,  so snow and ice here,  sun and flowers blooming there... what an amazing world we live in!!!  I was so glad he took the time to send this perfect rose to me :) .

  Here i am sitting by my window, and the feel of the warm sun on me is deceiving compared to the actual temperature outside right now which is 9 degrees.   

  I know i promised a few people that i would blog more often, but it isn't easy...   not the blogging part but worrying if you are too down,  it "offends" people,  if you are too happy it "offends" people.  if you do Keto, it offends people   If you love God it offends people, .......... do you get the picture.... More and more people are offended by everything anymore.... But offending is not my intent,  nor my problem.  I have just came to the stage in my life, some call it age, some call it wisdom....   I try to be honest in this Blog, brutally at times,  So if there comes a time that you are sick of my post,  stop reading, no hard feelings......  after all we are all Perfectly imperfect and that is the beauty in all of Us.

   I have been feeling so good for the past month,  I mean so freaking good , it still surprises me,  I have this incredible joy in my heart,  like all the time.  and i am sure my constant joy is annoying the shit out of some people, some of my friends.   I can't help it,   I can't pretend to not be so happy!  it is a peace that passes all understanding!!!  and I keep thanking God for his Grace.........because it is by Grace only and i am humbly aware of that.    I guess normal life things are still happening,  I still experience loss, and loneliness, crazy busy days at work,  Patients that try my "patience",  people that carry such bad energy that i am constantly blocking and protecting my soul from following suite..... but even these things can't seem to touch my joy right now....  oh you, my blog will be the first to know  when it happens, as life is ups and downs, joy and sadness, peace and fear, love and hate, poverty and abundance.............

  So at this moment this is what is making me filled with Joy,   my relationship with God ,My job, Keto, Boxing, and My apartment.... in no particular order.......   

There is a lot of darkness in this world,  and one tiny light doesn't seem to help........ but if we all do our part, and let our light shine even in the darkest of darks...., and if more and more people let their spirits shine........ we'd have plenty of light to even help even those in darkness see....... so choose Kindness  and choose Joy!!!

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