Friday, June 25, 2021

three days post op from oral surgery/ subaru meets teardrop

 Today is the third day since I had my wisdom tooth that was growing on a nerve taken out.  The doctor was very happy and said it came out in one piece and left minimal damage to the nerve it was sitting on..   the one growing into my sinus cavity was not touched..... not yet anyway.  for the first two days  I was groggy,  and just had no energy.   not even enough to write on my blog,   Today the third day,  was the first day I have experienced Jaw pain, shooting up toward my ear,   4 motrin helped that. after a while,  I am eating soft foods, but keeping it Keto and Sugar free.  I am also learning to be OFF work when i am off,   and i am learning to not feel guilty when i just can't do it anymore.... I plan on relaxing most of the weekend, and be ready to hit my work running on monday.........I just know it's going to be busy!!!  but i will just tackle it one patient at a time.................   soooooooooooooo   today was the day that my Subaru met my teardrop,   I have never pulled anything before and I was really scared,  i mean really scared.  Michael and Megan have been my biggest supporters in helping me make my "dream" come true.....  I love camping, and I love my independence and that is why i love this little camper.  which by the way i have the name.......... just waiting to get the graphics on it before i share.   Michael is the best teacher, he stayed calm,  made me do everything, backing up, hitching, and driving on the main roads, and then ultimately backing it up and parking it like I would on a camp site... I was on cloud nine,  first off the Subaru, is the best, she handled it so well, and most times i didn't even know I was pulling anything.  and the camper stayed stable and did not sway.... i will need to practice,   and i  just need to make myself do it...... I feel confident that I will eventually be able to go on my own ........ this is a good day.   and I am at peace,  please be patient with each other, and be kind.  Have a wonderful weekend

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

This and That and EVERYTHING in between!!!

Sometimes I forget that I am getting old, and then something reminds you... yes, yes you are !!!  It has been such a crazy week for me,   and I am constantly reminding myself, to take one day at a time, one moment at a time.  This is the busiest time since I started working in Psychiatry and Addictions 27 years ago that I can remember,  Society doesn't seem to handle what is thrown at them in this crazy world.  Last Friday my oldest Son opened a Pizzeria partnered with a bakery.  this has been his wish and hope for as long as I could remember.   Friday was to be a "soft" opening , meaning they weren't planning on being busy...... well that was wrong!!!  I walked into the shop right after i got my second shot ( talk more about that later)  and started to roll pizza dough into 14 inch round shapes, and never looked up for two hours..........standing there side by side with my previous Mother in law who is 84,  It was insane at times,   I was this middle age mad woman..... who was just learning to roll dough... as i said to others, the first one was shaped like the state of Florida, but it didn't take me long to make the circle.  The customers were all quite patient and understanding and kind.......... it is true most people are really really kind,  it warmed my heart.  I didn't stop until 9 hours later.  Just to go back and do it again the second day.  It was the third day, Sunday that I just couldn't function,  I didn't want to do anything, my body, my arm, hurt so bad and I didn't want to think,  I just wanted to sit around and watch "Wonder Years" and "Roseanne" reruns.   as a rule, i do not work the office on weekends,  but for the last two years, I always keep an eye on my office messages. but this past Sunday, I had several messages that i just couldn't look at.... i just didn't have another ounce of get up and go left.   now back to the shot.........i wasn't going to post this because it is such a sore spot for many (no pun intended, okay maybe a little pun)   I want it to be know,  I am NOT afraid of COVID,  and I am not afraid of the VACCINE......   and i am not going to get  into a political war on either side.....  but it was like this,  My work did not ask me to,  the people I babysit for did not ask me to and i never felt pressure.  I do not agree with the mask,  being in the medical field for over 30 years ,  I knew that many did not use it correctly. but i am a rule follower and a peacemaker so  I did and I did it with respect and without complaint, (well sometimes i complained)  I was not going to get the Vaccine, I never get the Vaccines so it wasn't something different at all.   However,  It was like this,  I have loved ones around me that really really believe in the Vaccine, and I am around their children,  I have several new babies coming into my life at the office,  and I know it would give them peace of mind.  SOOO since i am not afraid of the Vaccine...... I have too much Faith that God's got my back and I do not live in fear.  I went and got the shot.....  and I am fine.......not even sure if  I had a side effect from the second shot,  as I was exhausted, sore and tired by Sunday, but then again I AM getting older, and I stayed busy on my feet for two entire days......  so there was that!   Make today a good day, be kind to one another.  be selfless in your actions, makes it a good day for someone else........ Blessings

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Unplugged..... rebooted...... and on my way again

 Here is a sneak peak of my camper,  still have so much I want to do to make it my own......  so excited to get my Subaru ready to pull her,  looking forward to practicing.  Like I said, I did this backwards..... camper first,  then prepare car, and then learn to tow and back up.  which name would you vote for

Pelican's Cove

Pelican's Pod

Eagle's Nest

Mama Bear's Den

feel free to give your thoughts, as I am going to decide what graphics to put on it very soon.  I wish i could explain how excited I am.   

The last time I posted was during a time when i didn't feel right,  I became lazy in how i eat and conduct myself....  and i had a few days in a row when i ate carbs, and some sweets... oh i didn't over eat by any means just ate the wrong things!  several meals in a row.   Wednesday I was on track, felt a little withdrawal from the sugar again,  but it only lasted a day.  Have been doing absolutely fine since.  Blood sugars are 106 average.   and 135 after a meal.  But oh how easy would it have been to just give up and start the old eating habits....... I have this blog and my viewers to thank, because you guys make me want to be a better me.  My brother Chris makes me want to be a better me

Please have a blessed week ahead, and choose to be kind to one another....... the world needs more kindness.....  


Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Confession of a bad eating weekend, paying the price

 It has been a wonderful and busy 3 days.  although i wasn't at the office,  I was able to babysit really for the first time in a year and half, due to COVID...... I have been so busy, that i didn't get much chance to plan for my Eating....  and today i am paying the price,  there is no excuse,  no saying,  so what is a weekend???  Please understand, I  planned for a cookie at Christmas,  planned to eat a taste of desert on my birthday   I even plan when i can have a baked potato, or maybe a low carb tortilla and i do not have an option.  and then before i knew it one bite here or there led to other bites, too may bites and even a real grilled cheese. on real italian bread,  pretzel bites,  a tiny coldstone ice cream,  a few bites of chocolate cake,  cherry dessert......   you get the picture.  I COULD HAVE HAD ANY OF THIS at a given time    but on a rare occasion,  only in a one hour window, and only one of the treats,  and no more than one or maybe two times in a month.  and never consecutive days.......  it was just easier to eat what the kids were eating  (ages 5 and 8),   and I will NOT make that mistake again. Today i feel so drained and tired,  a little shaky,  and a little off.......I realized that I went 9 months with only a taste of real sugar ONLY 3 times.  birthday, christmas and Easter  that a weekend of sweets and carbs......... was a bad bad move.   This is real life folks and I have two options,  I can continue to eat like i did this weekend,  make these little excuses in my head.  OR i can do two weeks of strict Keto,  and continue on with Life as I now know it.......  and I have my Pelican on my arm to remember to continue on this healthy Journey to honor my Brother Chris.... Oh i should also mention,  I went hiking and exploring with the kids, and physically i was quite active the entire time..... so there is that!!   I am still babysitting this evening.......  and I will Not sway in my direction.....  this is my life, and it is what i make of it.   Please have a blessed day.  and be Kind to each other.

Just a little sad!! dealing with a few things

Yesterday was two years since my dear old friend and mentor died.  funny the second year brought up more memories than the first year of his...