Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Confession of a bad eating weekend, paying the price

 It has been a wonderful and busy 3 days.  although i wasn't at the office,  I was able to babysit really for the first time in a year and half, due to COVID...... I have been so busy, that i didn't get much chance to plan for my Eating....  and today i am paying the price,  there is no excuse,  no saying,  so what is a weekend???  Please understand, I  planned for a cookie at Christmas,  planned to eat a taste of desert on my birthday   I even plan when i can have a baked potato, or maybe a low carb tortilla and i do not have an option.  and then before i knew it one bite here or there led to other bites, too may bites and even a real grilled cheese. on real italian bread,  pretzel bites,  a tiny coldstone ice cream,  a few bites of chocolate cake,  cherry dessert......   you get the picture.  I COULD HAVE HAD ANY OF THIS at a given time    but on a rare occasion,  only in a one hour window, and only one of the treats,  and no more than one or maybe two times in a month.  and never consecutive days.......  it was just easier to eat what the kids were eating  (ages 5 and 8),   and I will NOT make that mistake again. Today i feel so drained and tired,  a little shaky,  and a little off.......I realized that I went 9 months with only a taste of real sugar ONLY 3 times.  birthday, christmas and Easter  that a weekend of sweets and carbs......... was a bad bad move.   This is real life folks and I have two options,  I can continue to eat like i did this weekend,  make these little excuses in my head.  OR i can do two weeks of strict Keto,  and continue on with Life as I now know it.......  and I have my Pelican on my arm to remember to continue on this healthy Journey to honor my Brother Chris.... Oh i should also mention,  I went hiking and exploring with the kids, and physically i was quite active the entire time..... so there is that!!   I am still babysitting this evening.......  and I will Not sway in my direction.....  this is my life, and it is what i make of it.   Please have a blessed day.  and be Kind to each other.

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