Tuesday, June 15, 2021

This and That and EVERYTHING in between!!!

Sometimes I forget that I am getting old, and then something reminds you... yes, yes you are !!!  It has been such a crazy week for me,   and I am constantly reminding myself, to take one day at a time, one moment at a time.  This is the busiest time since I started working in Psychiatry and Addictions 27 years ago that I can remember,  Society doesn't seem to handle what is thrown at them in this crazy world.  Last Friday my oldest Son opened a Pizzeria partnered with a bakery.  this has been his wish and hope for as long as I could remember.   Friday was to be a "soft" opening , meaning they weren't planning on being busy...... well that was wrong!!!  I walked into the shop right after i got my second shot ( talk more about that later)  and started to roll pizza dough into 14 inch round shapes, and never looked up for two hours..........standing there side by side with my previous Mother in law who is 84,  It was insane at times,   I was this middle age mad woman..... who was just learning to roll dough... as i said to others, the first one was shaped like the state of Florida, but it didn't take me long to make the circle.  The customers were all quite patient and understanding and kind.......... it is true most people are really really kind,  it warmed my heart.  I didn't stop until 9 hours later.  Just to go back and do it again the second day.  It was the third day, Sunday that I just couldn't function,  I didn't want to do anything, my body, my arm, hurt so bad and I didn't want to think,  I just wanted to sit around and watch "Wonder Years" and "Roseanne" reruns.   as a rule, i do not work the office on weekends,  but for the last two years, I always keep an eye on my office messages. but this past Sunday, I had several messages that i just couldn't look at.... i just didn't have another ounce of get up and go left.   now back to the shot.........i wasn't going to post this because it is such a sore spot for many (no pun intended, okay maybe a little pun)   I want it to be know,  I am NOT afraid of COVID,  and I am not afraid of the VACCINE......   and i am not going to get  into a political war on either side.....  but it was like this,  My work did not ask me to,  the people I babysit for did not ask me to and i never felt pressure.  I do not agree with the mask,  being in the medical field for over 30 years ,  I knew that many did not use it correctly. but i am a rule follower and a peacemaker so  I did and I did it with respect and without complaint, (well sometimes i complained)  I was not going to get the Vaccine, I never get the Vaccines so it wasn't something different at all.   However,  It was like this,  I have loved ones around me that really really believe in the Vaccine, and I am around their children,  I have several new babies coming into my life at the office,  and I know it would give them peace of mind.  SOOO since i am not afraid of the Vaccine...... I have too much Faith that God's got my back and I do not live in fear.  I went and got the shot.....  and I am fine.......not even sure if  I had a side effect from the second shot,  as I was exhausted, sore and tired by Sunday, but then again I AM getting older, and I stayed busy on my feet for two entire days......  so there was that!   Make today a good day, be kind to one another.  be selfless in your actions, makes it a good day for someone else........ Blessings

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