Friday, June 25, 2021

three days post op from oral surgery/ subaru meets teardrop

 Today is the third day since I had my wisdom tooth that was growing on a nerve taken out.  The doctor was very happy and said it came out in one piece and left minimal damage to the nerve it was sitting on..   the one growing into my sinus cavity was not touched..... not yet anyway.  for the first two days  I was groggy,  and just had no energy.   not even enough to write on my blog,   Today the third day,  was the first day I have experienced Jaw pain, shooting up toward my ear,   4 motrin helped that. after a while,  I am eating soft foods, but keeping it Keto and Sugar free.  I am also learning to be OFF work when i am off,   and i am learning to not feel guilty when i just can't do it anymore.... I plan on relaxing most of the weekend, and be ready to hit my work running on monday.........I just know it's going to be busy!!!  but i will just tackle it one patient at a time.................   soooooooooooooo   today was the day that my Subaru met my teardrop,   I have never pulled anything before and I was really scared,  i mean really scared.  Michael and Megan have been my biggest supporters in helping me make my "dream" come true.....  I love camping, and I love my independence and that is why i love this little camper.  which by the way i have the name.......... just waiting to get the graphics on it before i share.   Michael is the best teacher, he stayed calm,  made me do everything, backing up, hitching, and driving on the main roads, and then ultimately backing it up and parking it like I would on a camp site... I was on cloud nine,  first off the Subaru, is the best, she handled it so well, and most times i didn't even know I was pulling anything.  and the camper stayed stable and did not sway.... i will need to practice,   and i  just need to make myself do it...... I feel confident that I will eventually be able to go on my own ........ this is a good day.   and I am at peace,  please be patient with each other, and be kind.  Have a wonderful weekend

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