Saturday, March 12, 2022

Feeling Sorry for MY self

 I wasn't going to blog this weekend, because frankly I  am feeling a little lonely,   I mean no offense to my daughter,  as I adore our time together,  it  isn't the same.  and frankly we would kill each other if we had to spend the entire weekend together,  Thank God for my apartment!  I  would love to cook for someone again, and I don't mean my coworkers and my daughter.  I would love to share an evening movie,  or walk hand in hand on a trail with someone.  Don't get me wrong I love my independence and freedom that comes with that.   I do not really know what has triggered this Sadness,  but  I do know that I will not run away from it,  and today I am having this little pity party for myself.... yes I am feeling sorry for myself.    I feel like that bird alone in the sunrise.(the photo ) I see the beauty around me, I see the sunrise,  but I am flying all alone.   It is funny how hard it is to be patient with God and His plan for me,  I've always trusted Him, and It seems I need this time for Me.  I have had more growth these last 7 months than I have had in my lifetime.  more Sadness, more joy, more acceptance and by far more Peace!!!!    I just don't know how an almost 55 year old  (in May) moves forward,  I guess this is where I must trust God's divine plan for me.  and I blindly move forward on the Trail of Faith.   I am different now, as we all are.   I have to be careful to not let self doubt enter my thoughts.  and negative feelings.  I guess it goes along with the "Pity Party" that I am having.  Please be kind to one another   love and blessings always 

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Just a little sad!! dealing with a few things

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