Wednesday, March 9, 2022

It must be Faith over Fear

It isn't the first time this world has been "crazy" and it won't be the last!  Humans really do not change much,  and we've had these cycles since the beginning of time!  I was listening to an audible talk by a "monk" Richard Rohr.!  and as I was listening....  I thought he was talking about what was going on in this world Now.   there was a crisis issue with Czechoslovakia  and how it was feared that another World war would be fought. ..and everything he said in this talk about corrupt politicians and people in higher power everywhere.........   I was confused for a moment and literally stopped to check the date this book was published... It was 1992!!!  1992   That was 20 years ago.    has it always been this way????   I vaguely remember having "bomb drills" at school,  I remember when my parents couldn't find gas to put in the car. and the lines went on forever. 

I have been in the field of Psychiatry and Addictions now for 29 years, to date ... this is the absolutely worse that it has been. so many souls suffer from severe anxiety, depression, suicidal wishes, addictions, unable to sleep,  so much anger,  sadness, loneliness, and the absolute worse symptoms I am seeing........ is Hopelessness .   If we do not have Hope what do we have???

Fear and Faith cannot live in the same home........  they clash and cancel each other out.    It doesn't mean that sometimes I do not feel fear.....  I do and sometimes it takes the breath right out of me, and if i would let it, it would consume me and every action in my life.... I must make a conscious effort  to remind myself,   that we are all on this earth for just a brief moment.  and 100 years from now..... NOT one of you reading this will be here.     and  for me I Trust that my higher power, my God sees all, hears all and knows all.  and I know as I know he has my back!    With this Faith, comes a Peace and with this Peace, comes a joy and a LOVE from within that cannot be explained.  So whatever is happening in this world,  most of it I cannot control...... therefore I refuse to give it one inch of my energy.   What I can control, is How i treat a person,  I can control my Peace,   I can control my anger and my fear.   We are put on this earth, to help one another, to love one another....   I have said this a time before... but i would like to end with ........   WE CANNOT CHANGE THE WORLD,  BUT WE CAN CHANGE A WORLD OF A PERSON........ ONE PERSON AT A TIME!  be that change in a persons life,  the photo is the new mug i got for my morning coffee...... the words say it all BE KIND.    

Have a blessed day...... and find Joy in Living, breathing and Loving!!

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