Saturday, March 19, 2022

My responsibility ... and Nobody else!!!

I would like to say that "whatever" I was feeling last weekend, just went away the next day......  It did not,  and I sat with it most of the week.  On Wednesday I felt the energy shifting, and today although the situation didn't miraculously change.... My attitude did.  I sit here in my apartment, window open, fresh air,  a pot of fresh marinara and meatballs slow cooking.   My favorite music playing.  and a beautiful storm trying to form.......  I am so freakin Blessed I can't stand it sometimes.  sometimes I feel so guilty.

It really takes a lot of work to find and keep your inner peace.  and to have Faith to see, even when Blind and sometimes you just have to get on your knees and humbly pray!  And sometimes as I have said before,  God's answer is NO, or not yet.  and like a toddler I will have that temper tantrum and cry.  and then slowly once I am over the pity party.  I wipe my eyes, and start walking again.  

My peace and happiness  is nobody else's responsibility, but my own.  I try to talk to my children about this,  as it is the hardest thing in the world to do... but also the only way to truly open yourself to sacred Peace..... the peace that stays even if you're lonely, worried about finances, scared about society, our economy, have bad health, and a million other things.  and the hardest part about the "hardest part"  is trying to see your enemy or perceived enemy through their eyes and not your own.  it is so easy to accept a friend, or a like thinker....     but if not ..... then just watch the hate well up in your heart.......   you cannot have the peace  I am talking about if you have hatred, and fear in your heart....... there is NO WAY the two can live in the same soul.

my wish for you is to not ask but demand from yourself the Peace that  I am talking about.  I promise you  I go through this process daily!!!   Please be Kind to one another,  we are all in this together. the core of humanity all want the same thing....  

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