Sunday, February 6, 2022

Plugging away/Routine/6 months

Tomorrow will be 6 months since my buddy Old Bill left this earth,  I miss him but in an odd way I have so much peace about where he is,  and I have peace where I am.  The soul connection isn't broken with death, it really isn't.. It just is a new way of learning how to connect, a new way of Loving.  a new way of communicating.  he truly was my greatest teacher, and the way we met, was no accident or coincidence ...  it was a Divine plan.   I am still finding such newness and joy in my apartment,  it's odd,  it feels like a very nice hotel, or a vacation home... there is still such an excitement when I come home, and the energy in this little tiny apartment is so so peaceful.  

I am so glad I am beyond the "keto diet"  and have gently moved into "keto living".   Honestly I can say Keto isn't for everyone, and if you can't give it 100%  i think it is safe to say, and it is my opinion,  that you can't do it half assed.   you can't eat increased fat one meal, and chocolate cake and fries and a burger the next meal.... you miss the concept of teaching your body to use fat as fuel.    but I digress......   I continue to feel so so good,   the energy is through the roof,  last week  I ended up

adding "nannying" to my work schedule. which means i didn't get home for three consecutive days until it was bedtime.  easily left my apartment for a good 14 hours a day.  Thursday was a normal work day,  and home by 5:15.  and this is what has changed in me...... after chilling for a while, a part of me did not want to do my heavy bag boxing routine,  but as soon as I started I felt my energy return... and it felt so good.  I am noticing since i started doing this (first time 1/14,) when I could only do 10 minutes.   and my heart rate stayed in the peak zone 

most of those ten minutes.  I now have to add squats, burpees, jumping jacks, and jogging  into my 25 minute routine, to even get into my "cardio heart rate"   I guess this is a good thing, and my heart is getting in shape.   my resting heart rate has dropped 10 points in five weeks.   my blood sugars are always normal, and i test my blood ketones and they too are always in the zone.  I have no muscle or body aches. I just know my brother Chris is happy, but i am sure he'd find something to razz me about!!!!  i am guess that the inflammation in my body has been resolved by not eating sugar, simple carbs, and processed foods... time will tell

Keto meals I will be making or have made this weekend,  are Chicken Cordon Blue casserole,  Jalapeno Popper soup,  may make chocolate chip cookies, and plan on making Mascarpone Mousse.   the photo shows my first ever Keto Crust made with ground chicken.  my Son Andrew was the "tester".  I must admit i was leery and it sorta even grossed me out...  but all i can say is WOW!!!   Andrew said so far this was the best Keto Pizza he ever had (photo)  If i didn't know I would not have guessed that it was Keto.    the other photo is my basic breakfast when i am home.   2 eggs, bacon, sausage and one tiny street taco size low carb tortilla ....   i am only eating two meals,  my appetite is suppressed, and I may throw in a low carb snack.

so this was a long and boring blog entry,  I know I have had emails asking me what I do, etc.  and I know i still don't post that often.   and this post i touched base on it all

Please have a blessed day, and be kind to one another,  may Grace and Peace surround you. 

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