Sunday, February 20, 2022

Quarantined 10 days off the grid

If i wasn't feeling so amazing before hand,  i may have not known I was ill.  two weeks ago I suddenly felt achy and chilled. and had a low grade fever (100.5).  I went to the local clinic to take a Covid test  (*rapid results) and it was negative.   The fever only lasted 24 hours, and the body aches diminished when the fever did.  I did have my annual sinus and ear issues so assumed the fever came from that.  the two things i noticed different was a "burning" sensation in my nasal passages and in my throat, and I felt so tired very quickly.  took another Covid test again negative,    I couldn't pinpoint it but finally last Sunday, i took the At home Covid test and it came back positive.  arranged immediately to go to the clinic had my 4th Covid test completed, but this one we sent out to a lab  understand at this point i had self quarantined already for a few days. 48 hours later i received another Covid Positive !!!    It never affected my lungs,   it has blunted my taste but not completely,   such an odd little Virus,   I was able to work from home for the most part, but after 2 days i experienced a headache so bad my eyes wouldn't focus, and my throat (from talking on the phone with patients) burnt so bad and I lost my voice.  I literally took two day off..... and did nothing but rest, drink my Chi Tea, my ketones and my mineral supplements. it was odd to nap, but I just went with it.  even yesterday I took two one hour naps..... and still went to bed at the normal time and slept well.!!!   I continued with my keto diet , but obviously no heavy bag boxing going on two weeks now....  I am being mindful of my body, and just allowing it to do its thing,  healing me slowly and steadily.... I am glad that I had both of my vaccines.  and I am glad i have been so healthy for so long, I think both helped.     Okay and i must admit,  being Quarantined is bitter sweet.    And  I can see how easily it would be to become a recluse,  but in the same sense this is like day 14 and I am ready to go to the office tomorrow...  I will start with 8 hour days and go from there.  please be kind to one another, and find peace in the moment,  wherever whatever that may be..... 

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