Thursday, December 16, 2021


Peace does not mean Perfection,  You can have sadness, loss, things that don't go like you thought that they should. You can feel lonely, be in pain, scared...........the whole gambit of feelings. and you can still choose to be in Peace.  yes folks,  you cannot choose who left this earth,  you cannot choose to make another person love you.  There is so much in this world that you and I have absolutely no control of,  It is called Living!!!

This is my first year ever that I live alone for the Christmas season,  I miss old Bill, I miss what I thought my NOW would be, I miss my Brother Chris..  but I feel so much Joy,   It is a peace that passes all understanding...  I do not understand it,  Nor do I try.  There have been moments when i have been very sad, But felt at Peace,  Not too often because there is a big difference feeling lonely and being alone,  but although fleeting I have felt lonely.  and maybe I've been scared a time or two.  BUT i can truly say that during all of these emotions,  I felt an incredible Peace. a peace that brings me to my knees and humbles me!!!

I have decorated my little apartment, inside and out.  I have enjoyed the Elf on the Shelf with my adult daughter,  I have enjoyed books and movies and friendships formed and friends that i have gotten closer with,  I have enjoyed my job and the People I work for.  sometimes it is so busy in the office, and sometimes i work 11 or 12 hours in a day.. and sometimes it is overwhelming......I absolutely adore everyone I work with,  and they will verify that sometimes i am just too perky.    but hey it is what it is. 

The three messages that I am passionate about getting across to my patients, are :  They cannot let situations that they do not control, control their peace.  They only have the Today, The NOW!!!! and finally  IT IS OKAY TO BE.  instead of trying to runaway from yourself, from your grief, loneliness, fear, instead of running away from who you are...... it is okay to Be in the moment, If you are sad be sad, don't fight it. If you are angry be angry,  the sooner you sit and face it the sooner you can process it. and then maybe with Grace, you can let it go.   

May you all be Blessed,  may you all choose Peace,  Be Kind to One another. and Love those because of Who they are and Not What they are!   Merry Christimas

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