Friday, December 3, 2021

A beautiful routine

 Even with this perfect apartment of mine,  One day a week, usually Friday I STILL go over to Katie's house for the night. I hang with the dogs,  Dinner is the one meal that anything goes. Since i was diagnosed as a diabetic, I have never faltered and 90 percent of the time I do not do Carbs such as pasta, bread, pizza crust. 95 percent of the time i do not do sugar such as pie, cookies and cakes.    So for this meal i am free to choose what i want.  rarely maybe two or three times a year I will do dessert.  Today we have Picked Donatellos, (we always support local and not chain).  we always watch a movie,  or one of our cooking shows.  I do my laundry ...... and the puppy Bailey is so excited that I am there, and she is glued to my lap,  and when i head up to my room at bedtime, yes i have my own bedroom...... she gets so excited and of course she sleeps with me...... i get up early in the morning as usual (5 am) go down stairs, take care of the dogs..... make my coffee,  Katie bought me this mug for winter,  she gets me one for every season   :) at this point both dogs Izzy and Bailey curl up on the couch with me, and they sleep until Katie wakes up, while i drink my coffee and watch one of my shows...... it is something we both look forward to,  and it is these simple routines with family and loved ones that truly make the world a beautiful place.  OH and by the way,  I had my annual Dr. appointment a couple weeks ago.  A1C is still 5.7,   Blood pressure 110/64,   Doc is thrilled that I am doing so well. . she told me not to change anything I am doing,     other than the fist time my A1C  was 8.9  fifteen months ago.... and when i changed my life.......the A1C has stayed in the 5's. Be Kind to others, and be Kind to yourself....... and only put energy in what is important,  your peace, your family and your friends :)   

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