Thursday, November 18, 2021


 yesterday my post was very frustrating,  and I was angry when I posted it,  just angry at how cruel humanity can be...  sometimes I am overwhelmed how many seem to be handling their stress.... or I should say not handling it. 

and I stand by everything I posted,  but just maybe with not so many "swear words"  LOL   i used to not swear at all,  and then menopause hit....true story !!!   I am just an advocate for the weak...... it is a part of my job and a part of who I am,   and here is my lesson in my anger.......   Sometimes people react the way they do based on fear.   fear of the addict, fear of the homeless,  fear in regards to their own lives.   Lets be honest,  the meanest bullies I knew, were the most scared and broken.     

Make no mistake,  many years ago,  I was so judgmental,  the holier than thou type of judgmental.   I was that good person that went to Church all the time,  didn't smoke, didn't drink  didn't "swear" and would frown on those that did.   the gossip that i participated in and sometimes started....... after all, it made me look so good......... I get it,  and  I cringe when I think about those years.  and it was by Grace only, and it was about finding out the true meaning of Grace,   I wouldn't change my age for anything because with this Age, comes Peace and Wisdom that passes all understanding.   And the Love that fills me, well there aren't words for it.  But I know this,  I am changing for the better and I am overwhelmed by it.  

I must remember me hating others for hating others....... does not make sense, and must not be tolerated.   I will keep learning this lesson until I leave this earth....... but every morning when  I wake up,  I will ask for Grace, and try again........   Please be Kind to others.....  

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