Saturday, September 11, 2021

Solitude Vs Isolation

I am really enjoying my alone time right now,   my hikes, I am going by myself,  and even Katie seems to understand this as she usually pouts when I tell her i don't want her to come.  I should be able to move into my apartment next week.  Staying with Katie has been wonderful,  but both her and I need to get back to a routine,  hers is to get back to the way it was before i moved in completely.   And my routine, will be something new and completely different that I will be starting and forming.  
I absolutely love my job, and who i am working for and with. I am learning to work full time in one place.   I have always worked part time, but for many years i had two or three part time jobs.   so most of my week is very busy.   and on a weekend if i had the choice to go to a party, or sit at home and listen to a book,   I would pick being at home every time.    I don't feel lonely or isolated.   I feel peaceful, content and joyful.  It has taken me 54 years, but I am finally learning to love who I am, where I am in the moment,  I am learning to forgive myself for my past,  and not worry about my future...... I am learning the peace and joy in Living for Today ONLY!!!    So i do balance my solitude with social and it works for me.   I think the thing i am looking forward to the most in having my own place is the freedom to wake up early in the morning,   Katie does not mind but when i stir, the pets stir and then of course Katie wakes up ...... 5 am is just a little too early for her LOL.     Please be at peace, be Kind to one another.... and the next time you're alone,  take a moment to do a self check........... are you in a space of Solitude? or are you in a space of Isolation?

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