Sunday, September 5, 2021

Hatred~~~>Toxic~~~>Self Harm!!!

 It has been a crazy surreal almost two months,  and again my life has taken a totally sudden and immediate different direction.   Yes of course i still miss my buddy Old Bill,  and i think about him everyday.  yes i will sometimes cry,  BUT i find myself being "me",  laughing and joking.  and feeling this sense of overwhelming peace and calm.   I feel excitement about where I am going,  oh i don't know where i am going, but i am sure it is going to be amazing.  as i mentioned before,  Two weeks ago, the most amazing beautiful miracle took place,  that has absolutely changed the course of my life.. you would think the power of God that I witnessed may have made me more Pious and more cocky in self righteous bull sh*t.....  But it did the opposite, and i have crashed down on my knees, and have been so humbled,   I see the humanity in you, and i see the fragile human being that I am...   and sometimes I need to catch my breath,  and remember to breath deeply with the knowledge that there is indeed a higher power.   Two weeks ago there were four "strangers" whom i never met, and whom i "hated"  and in literally a minute,  they became 4 souls whom i somehow knew that I loved with all my heart for almost forever..... and I know I will always love them....  I know this is a pretty "deep" post,  I don't understand it either,  I just now accept it, and sometimes i don't need to know why, or how......but that it just IS!

I can't pick and choose who i love or who I hate,... or can I?   its funny how i can justify why I hate someone,  (we all do it,  so if you say i hate no-one...... then you're lying),  Hatred is a toxic thing to the heart and to the soul, it eats away at your joy and peace.  Hatred is a parasite, it can't feed itself, it has to eat off of you,  when you hate it consumes your thoughts, and your happiness.   You know what I am talking about,  we have all been there.   

it isn't easy, and every morning I start all over again,   I remember a saying  from the Anne of Green Gables series that  i watched 30 plus years ago. (damn i am getting old)  that when you wake up tomorrow,  your day starts with No mistakes in it.......... yet!!!!.    So here I am this morning, no mistakes yet........ and I ask God to help me protect my peace, and help me to love what i deem unlovable. 

Peace be with you, and be kind to one another     

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