Tuesday, August 31, 2021

and HOW has my diabetes thing been handled this past month

I have been so busy blogging about grief, loss, pain and fear, peace, hope, joy, sadness, love...........  I guess i should take a moment and tell you how my diabetes is doing.  the three weeks when old Bill was really sick, I barely ate, my stomach was in constant knots,   and if i may be honest, i didn't take by medicine most of the time.    I dropped 14 lbs in those few weeks.  My blood sugars remained normal but high normal.  I didn't realize that stress can change your numbers more than sugar.  ( I remember the highest my number were was when my brother died.)  A few days after Bill died, and when i was able to find my peace again, my appetite came back,  well sorta.  I never had the ice cream, or the cakes or the cookies,   However I did have a potato more than once or twice in a week instead of once or twice in a month.  AND THEN LAST WEEK, thursday to be exact, my X friend Christina brought the "kitchen sink" cookies from Panera ..  I decided heck with it, and i ate a 1/2 of a cookie,  and then I went and had the other 1/4 of the cookie......   that last bite put me over the edge and i got physically sick.    That night i took an honest inventory of my health, and I could almost hear old Bill say,   " Sandi don't give up, you can do this, I am so proud of you.....now get a grip"    and from that moment on,  I remembered my goal, my promise to myself, my promise to my Brother, ......and I haven't looked back.  I am strict keto again,  absolutely no sugar,  no pasta, no ice cream.   I fast 12 hours now........but next week I will be back to 16 hours.   Again i am finding my way in this maze called life,  finding a way to my new normal..    so many changes so quickly,  it would be so easy to "forget" my health,   but that isn't fair to me.   I need to keep on track for me,  .   I will schedule my doctor check up for 8 weeks,  and i will see how i am doing.   Blessings to all of you.......please be Kind to one another

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