Sunday, August 22, 2021

I may be an open book, but there are chapters that are too sacred to put in a blog

 Those that know me well, know that I am pretty open about my life, my struggles, my joys.  But sometimes there are things that happen that are so precious and so sacred that there just aren't words to use...   and that was this Saturday.   There are probably a handful of life experiences that happened that totally changed the course of my life.  and yesterday was one of them.  

And today,  Katie just wanted to tackle head on the apartment I am cleaning out,   I think she knows how much it bothers me to be over there..... i think she knows i need to get away from it.  Our friend Kristen came with her truck, and my son Sam and Kaely came to help with the few large pieces of furniture.  My X husband is letting me store a lot of the stuff in his spare room,  and Katie has a huge dining room that has the many bins and boxes stored there.   We still have a few things to get out of there.  But a huge dent has been made.  and today I feel pretty good.   I have an apartment that I am really excited about getting.   I feel so excited and nervous at the same time.   I have NEVER had a place of my own... I went from my parents, to Albert, to having my three kids, to my sister andrea moving in with me to my second marriage, and then to Old bill..... and here I am 54!!!!   I am looking forward to this journey.   and i guess the excitement is not knowing where i am going.........but TRUSTING that it's okay not knowing

I am praying that the upcoming week will be more normal.  I have some loose ends to tie up,  with Old Bill and myself,  Next weekend the apartment should be completely empty,  and all the death certificates are where they should be......... it seems like a life time ago when i last held Old Bills hand and really it has only been two weeks,  i really am doing okay for it being so new :)

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