Friday, May 7, 2021

Patience...... in a lifetime and not in a minute

 It today's world we want results now, we want answers now, we want it all done now!!!  Well it doesn't happen that way.  Today I had my second appointment for my tooth/jaw pain.  last week there was too much swelling and too much pain to manipulate my mouth and do a proper examination.  A week on antibiotics and one week later,   and we are leaning toward the wisdom tooth,  it has "grown" directly into my nerve that runs along my jaw line and up to my ear and beyond...... (hence why I could not pin point the pain, as it throbs into my entire half of face)  This tooth needs to come out, I have another Wisdom tooth on the top right side that is way up there, never descended but is very close to the nerve also...   the bottom one definitely needs removed .  he didn't find any cavities or issues that way, and the dentist feels that we need this taken care of first.   I agree.  I called the oral surgeon immediately when I got home, and the first appointment is May 27th.  I took it.  if i don't agitate my jaw I am okay,  but like after my appointment, the pain is throbbing and just damn annoying.   it also hurts if I move my jaw too much (the lower wisdom tooth almost doesn't fit and is very close to my mandible joint) so too much talking, and when I eat causes discomfort..... BUT it is doable.   This started 15 months ago when COVID happened.  so if I waited 15 months,  I can certainly wait 20 days for the evaluation and then determine a date for the surgery.

In other news,  I am still really enjoying cooking and baking Keto style now.  My son stopped in yesterday for my Keto Pizza and sugar free keto brownies...... he said he can't even tell they are keto and he loves them.  I made a lasagna recipe the other day using Zucchini,  I made a white cream sauce using butter, heavy cream, onions, roasted garlic, and xanthan gum  and a filling using ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese, garlic powder, spinach, mushrooms, and spices...... layered all the above 3 times..... and baked it in my air fryer ............ so delicious.

Sunday is mother's day, and Monday is my birthday,  my kids are taking me to dinner on Saturday.  I will make sure I do my intermittent fasting,  I will make sure that I drink all of my water, and I will make sure I will eat light the one other meal........BUT for my meal with the kids I will eat what ever I want,  that doesn't mean I will eat everything until I burst........ it means I will eat slowly and until I am full.....  I am not sure if I will have a dessert or not, as I love things I make with my Swerve sweetener, so I can honestly say that I am not missing anything.

I am hoping I can get out on the bike tomorrow or sunday too.......  i love to bike more that I love walking..... (just sayin')   Please choose to have a peaceful weekend.... and may you be blessed

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