Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Is it a mid-life Crisis? or ummm something else?

and it went like this today,  Katie talking to a coworker,  "  Hey just letting you know that I will be going with my mom,   She is in a midlife crisis and just bought a camper".   But let me explain, several months ago I started looking at campers, I saw these tiny things, but started thinking "bigger" but loving my Subaru..  I new I didn't want to stress her out and wanted to keep the weight well below what she can pull.    And then i kept thinking I want a camper with two separate sleep spaces, I wanted the bathroom inside, I want the kitchen inside........ and before i knew it, I was looking at big vehicles  ....... and then it got to be too much. after realizing I am scared to pull my bike rack at 

times, I wasn't sure what I was thinking.  and I stopped looking..... fast forward to last weekend and spending time in my friend Beth's tiny camper, I fell in love with such a tiny cozy teardrop.  Coming home Sunday, I thought more and more about How much I need to get away and recharge my Spirit.   My work is intense and never ending,  being a nurse in Psychiatry and Addictions is never easy...... but i can tell for the first time in 27 years, I noticed that I am feeling overwhelmed.  because seriously i could work 24 hours, the calls and issues never stop.   I NEVER doing anything just for me.... so with this being said,  I emailed a dealer of this camper,  and he was going to set up an appointment to see it this week,   and then it hit me I knew this is exactly what I wanted,  IT is brand new. and i didn't need to see it.... i emailed the dealer again........ and said I am just going to take it.  He said that he would have a salesman contact me in the AM.....  I pull into the office at 958 am,  he calls right then,  I put down a 500.00 deposit.. and went today to sign the papers........   I will be getting my subaru ready to pull it,   Christina's son will bring it back for me ........BUT it is mine....  I wish i can even put my excitement into words......  I have no idea how to tow....... my Car isn't ready for that,   maybe i am doing this backwards.... I don't care, I may not have faith in Me, i am a little scared to learn... But I have FAith in Faith, and i know i need this.

NOW i need your help,  I am going to take the Bushwacker symbols off ............ and I want to name her.......  some thoughts are   The birds nest,  the burrow,  The Pelican,......  if you can give me ideas for a name for  such a tiny paradise  i would appreciate your input.....    When the name is decided , we will decorate her..........and i will post the name chosen on my blog with photos of her new graphics.... PS Katie did name her Sally 

Please be blessed,......... and live life like tomorrow will not come........ go for it!! blessing to you all 



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