Sunday, May 9, 2021


Yesterday  the boys met me over at Katie's for my Mother's day/birthday dinner together.   it was just the four of Us,  and honestly I liked it that way. I decided on pasta,  as that is something I cannot do on Keto/Low Carb.  and instead of getting my own dessert,   we got one dessert and shared.  lets see.... I am trying to think about what I ate during my one free hour,  I had a handful of chips with some dip,  I had  two pieces of chocolate out of Katie's Easter basket....... I ate 1/2 of my spinach filled manicotti  and had maybe 4 or 5 bites of chocolate mouse cheese cake, and that was It !!! there was no "cheating" or no falling off the wagon,  there was no guilt before or after..   AND THIS IS WHAT IS DIFFERENT THIS TIME AROUND.  It is so freeing to not be on a diet any more......  yes I eat Keto/Low Carb.  but i don't consider it a diet,   it is just a way of living for me.  My blood sugar level was normal yesterday before i went to bed, and it was normal fasting this morning,  I have no desire to eat an other "anything hour" today or tomorrow.  and actually i have more of an incentive to do my two week strick Keto....... which i throw in every few months.  I am also planning on making a keto enchilada casserole type  of dish,  a vanilla pound cake and Lemon Curd.  of course all Keto friendly and of course sugar free...... already planning my food for the day tomorrow since i will be at work for both meals and one snack.  Mondays are my long day..... 

I wish all mom figures a happy day today and everyday...... I sure miss my Mom,  but i know she is proud of her kids still home here on earth.

Have a Blessed day today,   Happiness is a choice......... so choose Happy!!!


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