Sunday, May 2, 2021

EARTHING.....exercise for the soul :)

Yesterday i spent the majority of my afternoon at Katie's, Puppy sitting.  Katie moved into this home two years ago, and it is truly one of my favorite homes ever,  I love her fenced in yard.  she is surrounded by very old trees, and the ground although flat, has the roots of the trees, layers of soft dark moss, little tiny purple flowers, and cool dark soil.  Many may think her yard isn't perfectly manicured ....... I think it is perfectly imperfect.

The sky was so blue, the wind really active and the earth so soft and cool,  I love being barefoot,  you will find me barefoot in the soft snow, in the dew of a spring morning, in the deep woods or the rumbling stream.   I wonder if there is a specific time, or a gradual forgetfulness of the wonder of Childhood.. when do we stop playing in the rain, rolling down a hill covered in dandelions, and climbing a tree?? When does the veil of adulthood cover the soul  stopping us from seeing the beauty of  life, God and love????

I truly feel there is energy in the earth, and i truly believe in the healing with nature, and the transfer of Earths energy to me.  and no matter what i am feeling, a barefoot walk always seems to balance me and make things right.

This middle age menopause thing is really cool.  I have never felt freer than I do now.  I remember a couple years ago, when my marriage was ending, my job as I know it (S'eclairer for 13 years)was closing, and my physical  possessions and my home lost to a fire  all with in 3 months.   I would have never dreamed I would be where i am today,  I just Trusted that there was a divine plan for me, and I trusted I was going exactly to where I was to be.   I never thought i wouldn't go through shit... i just knew that I wasn't going through it alone.  Today I am looking for my very own home,  Today I have a job that I absolutely Love and am so proud to be a part of  (thank you Journey Health Care)  and my X husband and I get along absolutely fine,  I went straight from my mom and dad, to my First husband and father to my three kids, to my kids, to my second Marriage.  I never experienced me,    Now my kids are grown and I do like being single, maybe not forever,  but for now. 

Now update on my right sided jaw pain,  I am on antibiotics, it is easing some of the inflammation, and i will be going back to the dentist on        Tuesday to formulate an actual diagnosis and plan  My blood sugars are back to 90-100  I am still eating without issues and sticking to my plan. the exercise thing i still have to conquer,  I am still trying new Keto/Low carb recipes,  and still drinking at least 1/2 gallon of plain water a day

the photos are all in Katie's yard, it shows me standing among moss, rocks and roots,  the little tiny purple flower close up, looking up into the sky and the view of her privacy fence

Make a choice to have a good week...... and may blessings be with all of you 

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