Sunday, May 23, 2021

Off the grid for a few days!! Diabetic friendly

 This Thursday I headed up to Cooks Forest State park with my friend Beth,  Her Husband was going to bring the regular camper up and hook it up.  ( he didn't think we could handle it) He ended up having a project at home and could not....... Didn't stop us, she had a tiny camper, and a tent.  I used this cute little sleep camper that I fell in Love with.....  and I want one,   I want to be able to get away and not rely on anyone..... my Subaru could pull this.. I may make that work.   Thursday before i left, I worked from home,  I wanted to leave at 1pm,  but didn't get away until 3.  the request and messages for the nurse just never stopped.  I finally just had to STOP.   and this is why I need to go off the grid every so often.   If i could pick what my absolute favorite thing in the world to do..... it would be camping at a state park.  more rugged of a site the better.   This is where my Church is, this is where i feel at home.    A few people asked me how i could even make a camping trip Keto/Diabetic friendly.... and I smiled, because honestly it was quite easy.   To begin with the exercise for the mind, and the healing of the soul, begins with Nature listening to the trees dance,  and the smell of a wood fire, the sounds of the frogs at night.  and the songs of the birds waking just before Sunrise.   NO TV, no radio, no phone.  But the loud sound of Silence at times.   and then there was the exercise for the body, the walking, the hiking the wading in the stream (yes barefoot)  The Diet was easy too  i only drank water and sparkling water (waterloo my favorite).  and coffee in the morning, and a tea once in a while.  one meal we did a pot roast over the open fire,  with onions and veggies.   breakfast was easy a veggie and cheese omelet with bacon.  snacks i would eat a handful of pork rinds, or nuts, or cheese and meat.  Beth did bring chocolate cake, and cinnamon breakfast rolls.   I did not have even a bite....... and i was fine with that.   my "treat" was a baked potato wrapped in foil and placed in the hot ambers of the fire pit.  with plenty of butter and sour cream.   I was so busy exploring, we only ate two meals.  so there was that!!!     oh i also made a chicken, mushroom, and broccoli alfredo for a meal  ( i will post a photo of that)    I have a very busy couple of weeks as i will be working but also "babysitting" next week.  so i needed my emotional battery recharged.    Please take time to take care of you.  And God bless Us all.


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