Tuesday, May 11, 2021


I had a really mellow and beautiful few days,   Just how I wanted it. I spent Sat evening with the kids for dinner.  and I spent yesterday at the office with as i call them my "work family".   It was one of those Mondays that makes me think i want to retire early,  I have been in Psychiatry and Addictions for 25 ish years,   and i truly don't remember people struggling so hard, it just goes to show you that humans are not made for isolation,  and it has hit people hard.  More anxiety, more depression, more addictions   More hopelessness,   Children and Teens and Young adults that don't feel like life is worth living...  I can usually stay upbeat, but yesterday when i got home after 9pm,  I felt like my Soul ran a marathon....   i do not usually work Tuesdays, but today i came into the office,  One to see a young patient in person and Two work on the overflow from yesterday.    My like forever Friend Christina took the time to make me a Keto cake,  it was delicious, she 

even made it with Swerve,  which is all that I use for my desserts.  ( she herself doesn't use it).  the cake had 3 layers, and a raspberry gel layered with fresh raspberries, strawberries and a few blue berries,  the cake was so thoughtful. and my coworkers enjoyed it also.   Christina is more like a sister to me,   a  pain in the ass, we've been irritated with each other, busy in different aspects of our lives at times....BUT we are ALWAYS there for each other and we are going on like 35 years .... oh she's still a big pain though....  
The other drawing is from this very precious soul of a man Frank,  I will never meet him on earth as he was a part of a diet computer group from almost 20 years ago,   but he is just one of those people you just know is a beautiful soul on earth.. and he does these really cute drawings and he grabs the essence of the subject he is drawing ...... and he got me down to a T yet again........ 

Okay enough of the birthday stuff,   I promised myself, my brother Chris, and the people that read my blog that i will always be honest, always remember this isn't a sprint but a marathon and the finish line doesn't happen until death.   I need to be accountable for everything i do , it is so easy for us humans to slowly add a bite of cheese or a nut or two during "fasting" time,   or grabbing a breaded onion ring or a an extra serving of mashed potato (my favorite food)   or sometimes even eating too much of the allowed food.........  and i feel this is happening to me.   and sometimes i may not even be paying attention,  and it's just a mindless reflex.    So today I reset.... my watch is set again to go off at 10 am when i allow myself to break my fast.  and then it is set to go off again at 6 pm when i start my Fast.  I have my 1/2 gallon water jug that i fill every morning, and must drink it all before bed,   (yes sometimes i am finishing it at 8 in the evening..... and yes i am peeing half the night )  and the hardest thing i am trying to do is incorporate the set exercise...........  i have to figure that one out yet..... i am finding i am just too busy......but there is no excuse for my own health........ i'll get it though......... i know i will.
Please have a good day and please please please be kind to one another,  the world needs more kindness and love spread around.  Blessings 

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