Wednesday, April 28, 2021

TOday...... i trust

 I am not sure how i can be happy and in pain at the same time,   although this morning the pain is a little better,  I can't tell if its from my wisdom tooth,  a previously filled tooth,  my ears or my sinuses on my Right side...   it has been hurting so bad and it radiates so i can't quite pinpoint it.  I am using ice and ibuprofen.  

Oddly enough Monday i woke up, and realized that maybe I do want my own little place to call home,  right now i  sorta have a couple places.   I take care of the elderly man,  and i have a small apartment there,  and i have a room with Katie, and that is where my address is ...   i found out that i could easily get a mortgage for a small home/  there is one i liked near my brother, a while back, it came on the market and today i will be putting in my bid,  there are a few others bidding also,  I will not get into a bidding war..  I gave my top offer,  paying asking price, closing cost, and pay for the inspection.   and then i released it to God, and asked for his will to be done........  today I am at absolute peace,   I will be relieved if  I do not get it,  And I will be happy if i do get it......  so for me it is a win win,   It's about Trust and Faith,  I have put all my trust in God,  looking back i can see when he told me NO,  these were my biggest growth spurts,  it was also during these "NO's"  that just right around the bend, just a few steps more that my Yes came.......... and it was the YES i was looking for, I just didn't know it.   I have Faith, that i will get the a place to call home,  and if not then i trust that too........ there are positives to both, owning a home and renting.   it's exciting to let go of the steering wheel, and see where life takes me.   

on the diabetes side,   eating absolutely on plan,  blood sugars are running high as Fpain can have an affect,  and when i say high,  I mean normal   112 to 118  and like i said,  oddly enough i am so happy right now,  so it is what it is. 

Trust today,  trust in yourself, and your journey....... Have faith that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this moment,  whether you are in your "NO" or if you are in your "YES" moment. both are equally important . 

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