Sunday, April 25, 2021

A Crazy busy week

 I noticed I haven't posted for one week.....  and looking back,  I didn't realize i was as busy as i was. but i guess it has been a good busy.   I have been trying to balance my work,  with play....... trying to get outdoors more often,  trying to take moments just for me.  I tried a few new recipes this week,  i used  stevia for one recipe, but for me it left an aftertaste, so right back to Swerve.   I am already figuring out what i will be eating this upcoming week.  My cooking, and planning has become a habit now, so honestly it isn't difficult, it just is.   BUT what i am failing on is making specific exercise carved into my weekly time,  i am always busy, and always reach my step goal.  but I am talking about taking time to hike, or bike, or walk.,  i am hoping to get in 3 days a week to start.  and i am only hoping to spend 30 minutes to 60 minutes each time............  That's not asking for much, so why can't i do it??? 

Today I cleaned my closet,  it was frustrating,  I had clothes that were too Big,  I had clothes still too Little, and I had clothes that now fit just right. (gosh i sound like the story of the 3 bears)  For the first time I took my favorite "BIG" clothes,  to a local Church site and gave them away, i had a few favorites that i didn't want to part with, but I have FAith that I will Never go back to that size again,  I have Faith that this journey is on a one way road, and i have faith and determination  that I will continue this way of life........ this isn't a diet,  or a plan........ this is living.   I packed the clothes that WILL fit me in the future in a bin.  and now my closet is neat and organized.

I am hoping this week, I will get more sleep,  I am hoping this week i can get 3 days of specific exercise in, I am hoping this week i can try to live in the space of peace, 90% of the time.   What are your week goals?   Have a blessed day, and remember to always be in the NOW!!


  1. My goal this week is to pray in tongues for an hour a day. Not your typical exercise. It has been shown to boost immunity and my body has less pain. I also have more energy. Blessings for you this week.


Just a little sad!! dealing with a few things

Yesterday was two years since my dear old friend and mentor died.  funny the second year brought up more memories than the first year of his...