Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sometimes....... it's not a good day, and that is Okay!!

 I am tired today,  I was busy this morning, started early before 6 am,  washed two loads of laundry, went to the store, made keto pizza crust for Katie, made Keto big mac casserole for the week,  and all of this before noon.   had plans to go biking on Ghost Town Trail, but changed my mind and ended up napping for 30 minutes.  and then remembered that I had work to do for the office before tomorrow..... so worked on that.   Didn't even feel like going over to Katie's house,  I always go over to Katies. 

I am not dancing to music today..... not particularly happy and full of energy,  not really sad either.  I just sorta "am".   and you know what?  That is okay....... sometimes we are our own worst enemy, too hard on ourselves, feel guilt when I nap instead of doing something productive.  On days like this i used to also eat....... order out pizza and cheesecake and get ice cream........  after all i deserve a "free day" .  That is not the case anymore... and actually my eating was spot on perfect today.  and i am not hungry or craving anything,  not even sure what i am going to eat for my second meal.   (i eat two meals a day, my breaking fast meal was at 10am.. i had the big mac Casserole with lettuce and keto "mac sauce"   and some mousse and raspberries.   at 230 i enjoyed one oz of nuts.  Dinner should be at 5 and i am just not hungry.  I have until 6 pm to eat.   I may just put on my shoes and take a brisk walk, maybe that would produce an appetite.

I feel it is just as important to document bad days, sad days, not good eating days,  after all this is Life, and we all have those days.    but something that does not change for me,  is the peace i feel........  that can't be taken from me, and even on a day like today.... when i feel blah....... I still have this peace in my heart.. and for that i am grateful 

*****update, later this evening....... well,.... so my not so good day ended up on a wonderful note. I DID go for my walk, the wind picked up which i love,  i love the wind, and then it started to rain a pretty strong cold rain.....  it felt like the "blah" feeling was washed away.......  now a hot soaking bath, and get ready for my week........ 

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