Thursday, April 15, 2021

Planning and Priority


The one thing that has changed for me more than anything

is my Priority in planning.  I am so busy,  but still manage to stay in a peaceful energy........ most of the time!!! 

My morning yesterday ....... getting up at 445 am.  make my bed, take Izzy out  for her morning walk...   she's 13 now,  and takes extra care,  start the coffee ,   check on my "roommate " (i am also his personal nurse)  He will be 81 Saturday.  He has NOT been doing well for the past 6 months,  Covid and isolation has taken its toll on him mentally and physically,  and it is just a blessing that he is alive and i am always thankful for that.  I get his medicine, and then we have coffee and chat for 30 minutes,   we've been doing that for 7+ years,  right now both of his legs are really bad,  so i wash them (using pine tar soap)  then i use a special lotion and frankincense.....   dress the wounds and put on compression socks.  feed izzy her breakfast.  and then i start preparing my lunch...... if it is a long day i have to prepare two meals..  yesterday morning I made a portabella mushroom  stuffed with onions, sweet red peppers, green olives, and pepperoni chunks, drizzled with olive oil, roasted,  then cheese added and garlic powder and roasted again,  i also had made a side of fresh marina last night to use to pour on and eat like a pizza..  I make my own sauce because i use San Marzano tomatoes and i do not add sugar..  ( most jars of sauce have hidden sugar.  )  also the night before i made a tiramisu mousse, of course sugar free keto, so i got that ready,   and THEN it was time to get myself ready for work.....    that was all done before 7:30 in the morning.    I do this every morning on work days.  it would be easier to just "order out " lunch at the office,  or eat what someone may bring for the office for lunch at times.   But it just isn't an option anymore.   I am already in my mind, planning what i will be eating tomorrow.   a lot of people rely on me,  after all I am a psychiatric and addictions nurse,  i love old people and have a few of them in my life, and i love young souls...... and still babysit at age 53 .........  but i have learned better late than never...... That i must make myself a Priority............ and that includes how and what i eat,  it includes scheduled times for just me and God and in includes time exercising  in the great outdoors.   it also means i am in bed before 830  and up usually before 5 am........ it is working  :)     please choose to have a wonderful day today...... and plan on making you a priority........  

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