Friday, April 9, 2021

Biking for the first time..... weighing 70llbs less

I knew when i woke up this  morning and started dancing to the music that i was feeling absolutely fine.  I couldn't wait to get on my bike for the first time this year,  the first time weighing 70lbs less... honestly it surprised me how much easier it was to ride.  I was out on the trail before 830 this morning,  it was chilly and rainy..... and  foggy.... my perfect morning.  I saw no other bikers, and two people walking.

This diabetic thing was so much easier when i just focused on the eating portion,  this exercise and meditation stuff has me being overwhelmed sometimes... i have to remember that it is a life long journey, there is no finish line.  and good health is the prize.

I work at a psychiatrist office that also handles addictions issues.  people are really suffering right now, it seems like nobody can heal themselves.  the depression and anxiety levels are through the roof,   addictions and overdoses,  alcholism......... everything seems to be magnified.  it is heart breaking to hear this all day long.   So it is so important that i keep my Energy level up there,  my spiritual life protected, and my Health as best as it can be.   So when i got that tummy thing,  I stopped what i was doing, even the second day i worked from home and rested. ..   and i was thrilled this morning that i have so much energy..... 6 months ago a virus like that would have knocked me on my Ass for 4 days..   I cannot help others if i cannot take care of myself...  I like this journey that Diabetes introduced me it wrong to consider my Diabetes diagnosis my friend???  somehow i think it saved me :)    have a blessed day....... and take care of you can care for others  


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