Sunday, April 18, 2021

Fatigue...... a dangerous thing

Our old pup Izzy (13) had diarrhea for a few days....waking me up every two hours around the clock for 3 nights.  Being so tired was actually painful,  I was so tempted to cancel a camping day at Clear Creek St Park, and i was tempted to eat every sweet thing "NOT ON MY EATING PLAN"...... in the end i did neither.  Spending the day with great people, playing with young kids,  hiking up very steep hills,  climbing on rocks, (beartown rock trail up at Clear Creek State Park) and realizing i wasn't tired,  or out of breath,  I have came a long way in just 7 months.  I honestly felt fine....... I will be 54 years old next month,  and i had no ache or pain,  and i could have kept going.............  and this is why for me, failure is not an option....   because even being exhausted, and slightly grumpy today... according to my daughter,    I wouldn't go back to my unhealthy lifestyle for anything.  they had food i could eat,  hot sausage,  and later on kielbasa over the fire.   I so wanted a Reese  peanut butter cup smore, and the pasta salad....  but i did not,  i enjoyed the cheese and veggies in the salad, so it worked for me.  I forgot how much I like camping, and i forgot how much I needed to be outdoors and in nature..... i forgot how much it energizes me and helps me cope with my job, and life in general.    I will be ready for the up coming week.  today i prepared baked chicken thighs done in the air fryer, i made my keto bakes bread into hotdog buns.   and i decided to make a Keto Chocolate Mayo Cake which i must say was delicious and even helped easy my craving from the S'more I so desperately wanted yesterday. below are a few more photos from my weekend....   choose to start your week right and with a positive attitude no matter what the week holds.


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