Thursday, April 8, 2021

First illness since i began my Diabetic Journey

Midday at work,  i started to not feel so well,  I am not used to not feeling well anymore.   NO fever,  but stomach upset and diarrhea.,  made it home at 5pm and went straight to bed,  other than the many bathroom trips, i pretty much stayed in bed,  things finally settled down at 3am,   Today although I am no longer making bathroom trips,  I feel incredibly weak.  decided to work from home, which thankfully i have the best "bosses" and i have so much flexibility.

People tend to think, including me.  that High Blood sugar numbers are directly a result of what you eat and do not eat.  NOT true..    it goes back to body mind and spirit.   you need to work with all three to truly experience optimum health.   for instance,  i actually ate nothing.  drank tea and water.  and a normal fasting for me is 90/100  but because my body is fighting something,  my FBS today was 120.   the only other time it went that high, which is not high was when my Brother Chris died.   both times it went up was stress related.   

Tuesday Katie and I took the dogs for a very nice walk on the hoodlebug trail..... it surprises me how healthy i am becoming and how not out of breath i am , and how i love the hills more than the flat areas.  i also noticed this particular hill right off of the trail,  which normally  i have always stopped midway up just to catch my breath.  this time I did not!!!!  I am one of  those people that need to be outdoors, need to experience nature to truly be at peace,

This world is a beautiful place if you just take a moment to focus on the positive around you

peace be with you


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