Saturday, April 3, 2021

Feeding my Soul!!!

 The first 6 months i focused so much on my diabetes, eating right, keto diets, low carb, organic and healthy,  NOW it is time to focus on my Qigong and Outdoor hikes and bike rides.  I went to visit my old little mountain at Conemaugh Dam yesterday....... it was only 21 degrees and oh so windy,  but it felt so amazing.  

looking back on previous diets and plans during the past 40 years  I realized i tried to change too much too fast and would always "burn" out.  This time, although I was told to start an exercise program as well as a diet,  I first decided to get my Diabetes in control. now understand, I immediately started to move more, walk further,  and "dance" when i cleaned the apartment.  i would have my "20" minute leisurely walks with the dog.   During this time,  I ate exactly as i should, stopping all sugar, all breads, all pasta....... all carbs minus some fruits I ate 0 processed foods,  and 0 sugar free processed foods.  after a month i would only eat a keto treat if i made it and i only use Swerve sweetener, as it has no effect on my glucose  nor my insulin. and it didn't give me stomach issues either.  Now there is no excuse as to why i cannot focus on scheduled exercise time........ esp hiking and biking outdoors.... so we shall see if i have as much success.

Tomorrow is Easter,  I am going to my brothers house,  I still haven't decided if i am going to stay strict Keto low carb....... or if i will allow myself one plate.   i remember at Thanksgiving i allowed myself one plate.... the treat was 1/2 cup of stuffing,  AT  Christmas my treat was ONE cookie.  I guess i will let you know later what i have chosen.   My Blood sugar level was not affected.   I even checked it 2 hours and then 3 hours after the meal and it never went above 130... 

May everyone be at Peace this weekend.....   love and blessings,


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