Friday, July 21, 2023


For about six weeks now, I have been working the hours that I originally wanted..  avg. 3 days a week.  Since I started in October, it seems like i worked fulltime and overtime several weeks.  Covid hit, and then nurses quit, etc.  So i filled in often.  Well our nursing home has been blessed with wonderful LPN and RN hires in the recent months.    I was asked two months ago if i would move my days around as to work it out with my coworkers.  I said yes, and I knew i'd make my schedule work, my weekend off is now the opposite,  and honestly I couldn't be happier with my new schedule.    

I know i keep saying this, but it's true. Right now I am the happiest I have ever been!  I technically have more days off than i do on.  again i choose to step out in Faith, and remind myself what really matters..   the extra money i was making these last 8 months has been really "nice" to have.   but is it worth it.?  with much soul searching, I didn't want to live to work,   i want to work to live.  I am pretty sure i can do it.  I've already had my 3rd or 4th paycheck working Part time  and i am doing fine.  I just "NEED ENOUGH"....enough to pay my bills,  have enough to help a friend or stranger out every now and then, enough to enjoy Camping, Kayaking, Hiking and Nature.  I do not NEED to buy from Amazon every week,  or buy things i do not need.   (*seriously who needs 25 water bottles and 20 totes)  and i may be under counting  ( Shut up Megan! LOL  :) 

I am 56 years old, and unless God has other plans that he isn't telling me,  I plan on staying at Scenery until I retire.    My Dad died at 52,  My mom at 58 and my brother Chris at 56.   I don't think i am dying, I feel amazing, I was one of the very few employees that did not get sick this fall/winter,  my legs and feet have since adjusted to the 10-13 thousand steps a shift and i feel no pain, even the knee i had surgery on.  But I have been surrounded by death, Including my "friend Scott last year" and it shows me how precious life is...  I trust that my future will be provided for, I do not need a man, or a job making lots of money..  I can take care of me.  and I know that my Faith will keep me in that profound peace that  I often talk about

What am i doing with the extra time,     making plans with past friends and coworkers that i had to put on the shelf,  enjoying my Qigong Classes and studies,  enjoying hiking again,  and of course Camping plans,  I would like to start blogging again, I have such a wonderful relationship with my Kids... Katie, Drew, and Sam that I am beyond blessed, and friends like Megan and Christina,  more time to bake and cook keto,  and more time to just Be and count my blessings

And Finally last but not least,  The joy i feel working where i do cannot be expressed,   the patients and co workers, and the administration,   they all make me want to go to work, and make me want to be the best Nurse i can be.    I am not looking through rose colored glasses.........  I see clearly, but i choose to see the incredible good in every single person.  I see team members that truly care about our residents....  my heart is light when i get ready for work... of course if i am needed here or there I will be there.  but i am going to be optimistic that I will not be needed as often.   

This is the best time in my life.........  and I am overwhelmed and humbled with Gratitude .... may Peace be yours in wherever  you're  at in your life 

Just a little sad!! dealing with a few things

Yesterday was two years since my dear old friend and mentor died.  funny the second year brought up more memories than the first year of his...