Sunday, March 26, 2023

So bad at this blogging thing

So my last post i think in January i promised myself and a few others that i would post more frequently!  Well how did that go? umm not well.  I am sitting here thinking why not.  after all i have been blogging for almost 25 years.  (* different blogs )   Sometimes i worry about offending someone,  you will always offend someone!   sometimes i am worried because I have so much joy in my heart.........after all so many miserable people dislike Happy people.  Sometimes my thoughts are repetitive, for instance I feel strongly about creating ones own peace.   

I want you to understand my life is not perfect, not even close, I suffered growing up with alcoholism, and divorce, death. insecurity, co dependence, abuse, loss, loneliness.....  and such insecurities. that for a good part of my life,  I allowed these things to control my emotions, my peace, my hopes and dreams.   

Spending several years with Dr Chaudhary and learning his lessons were truly the beginning for Me!!!   and somehow i always trust my Faith to walk me through My Journey....and then i got Older,  yes age and life's lessons have finally caught up with me,    and with this age progression thingy,  I have found Profound peace and Wisdom.

Sometimes I have to reboot,  and back away,  I feel like the Actor in the Green Mile and his famous quote " ... Mostly I am tired of people being ugly to each other,  I am tired of all the pain I feel and hear in this world..."       My favorite place to reboot is camping,  being outdoors on the trails, being away from people and being with God and Nature.,  ahhh my first weekend can't come soon enough!!

I just wish we could be kind to each other,   not so much as to being kind to people we love or think similar thoughts with ............. BUT be kind to those that you do not agree with, or dislike,  or have different thoughts that you.   please understand, we are all broken,  and that person you hate so much is broken too........  we just don't always see the wounds but trust me they are there. And don't let things you have no control over ....control your peace.!!!

Today I choose to enjoy my JOURNEY, and protect my Peace.  have a wonderful day and be KIND!!!

Just a little sad!! dealing with a few things

Yesterday was two years since my dear old friend and mentor died.  funny the second year brought up more memories than the first year of his...