Tuesday, January 10, 2023


This photo shows what silence looks like. Depending on your perspective,   It is either peaceful or depressive!!
I have enjoyed my two days off.  I go back tomorrow but I don’t mind and I am looking forward to it. 
I didn’t realize I am building stamina with my new job,  I mean how many years was I at a desk job? 18??  Today Katie and I went for a walk before she left for work.   And I couldn’t get my heart rate up and I just felt good.  When I had my office job I was lucky to hit 3000 steps.  And now it’s rare if I don’t hit 10,000 to 12,000. 
My apartment is my sanctuary, and 16 months later I still get so excited coming home to it …. Hope that sticks with me.   Today I am really missing Scott,  he died 9 months next week.  Oh what could have been.   Such a good man gone too early.   It’s rare that I feel lonely. But I did today and that is okay.  It wasn’t a punch in the gut lonely. It didn’t throw me into the depths of despair…..just a gentle sadness missing a special friend.    Tomorrow will be a new day.      Please be kind to one another   You just never know what that person is going through    Blessings 


Tuesday, January 3, 2023


Last year was such an adjustment for me to say the least, but Change doesn't mean bad.... and sometimes at these moments, perceived bad things happen!!  not because the Universe is out to get you, but sometimes as humans we need help with the sharp turns that ultimately change our direction.  it is totally up to us to decide to see the beauty in the new path,  or decided to be victimized by the unknown road,   I wish i had this "wisdom" that comes with age when I was in my twenties, but  I guess it doesn't work that way.  Because i wasted too much time "feeling sorry for myself.    My year started with losing a very dear friend,  Scott, and ending with losing the greatest man I ever knew, My father in law Al,  (just can't put X in front of his name)  Watching my kids and the family let Pappy Al go with so much love and dignity, I am so proud of that family every single one,   This world is not the same with out Pappy Al, but his legacy lives on with his Boys and his Grandchildren, they all carry apart of his Kindness and Love.    

A few years back when S'eclairer was taken over by Journey. I really thought this was where  I would retire from.  And i embraced the job, and so enjoyed my patients... small uncomfortable things started happening during the beginning of 2022,  and  I can remember feeling uneasy, but talking myself out of it....  but i was a roller coaster of emotions.   I sat back and watched a few things happen, but said nothing, but I knew...it was a feeling I could not shake.   it really had nothing to do with an individual person, actually truly nobody else has power over my destiny, I trust God and my Faith so much  I do not question, blame or find answers.   In October of 2022 I left this job in blind faith....  let me tell you, this was very scary for me, and I shed a lot of  tears, leaving Journey, My friends, my Patients..... and here I am working in a Nursing Home,  I can't even express how happy  I am with this move...  I am so Happy and and Peace that I truly don't have words to explain,    Is it hard work?  Hell yes,  as anywhere else is there drama? yup.   at first did my feet and legs absolutely kill me?   yes again.   but none of this matters.  dancing in the hallway with a patient,  watching the patients face light up when they are handing out Halloween treats to the kids,  having the patients call you by name after only a couple shifts working,  holding the hand of an  Alzheimer's patient when they are so scared and they calm down.   it is such an incredible honor to be able to care for these beautiful souls that are coming to the end of their time on earth.....  this job makes me happy.  Not to mention that I fill my gas tank up once a month now,  i do not dread going to work,  my feet have adjusted very well, yesterday I did my first 12 hour shift,  I was worried this would have killed me, I mean I am not a young chick anymore,  but i had no problem ... i am sure i couldn't do too many though. 

If someone would ask me today,   look back on your life.......... what would you say was the best part of your life????   I would say it is Today, it is right NOW!!!!   and I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart.  I waste no time in Regret of the past,  and I spend no time Wish what can be in my future.  

May 2023 be filled with Peace and Grace.   May my friends find Joy in their Today, their NOW!!!!!

Just a little sad!! dealing with a few things

Yesterday was two years since my dear old friend and mentor died.  funny the second year brought up more memories than the first year of his...