Sunday, June 12, 2022

Living..... in Peace and Sadness

it has been a while since I posted,  I guess I can say my life has been status quo.   I am weeks away from the 1 year anniversary of Old Bills death.  it will only be two months since Scott died. and I notice that I have been missing Old Bill a lot lately.   I don't mind where I am in my life, and frankly I am happy being right here right now!!!!   I am really focusing on my health, and continue to feel better now than I did 20 years ago.....  I am on day 42 of not missing a Qigong session,  If you were to ask me if I am sad?  I would say No.  but if you were to ask me if i am through the roof happy,   I would say No.  but if you ask me if  am at peace, and do  I have joy in my heart.  I would say absolutely.    The world is crazy,  gas prices are through the roof,  so much mental illness and people struggling.  it is more important now than ever before to demand peace for myself. and to live for today and Trust that my tomorrow will be taken care of. .   There is a Qigong exercise that is "smiling from the heart" that i do daily .   Protect yourself from the negative energy out there,  don't let it destroy you.  demand your peace,  and keep the joy. but most importantly don't be the negative energy out there.  be kind to one another, even if you disagree........just be kind!!!  may you have a blessed week.  

Just a little sad!! dealing with a few things

Yesterday was two years since my dear old friend and mentor died.  funny the second year brought up more memories than the first year of his...