Saturday, April 23, 2022

conversation with the Sparrow

  A week or so ago,  I notice dried grass on my door mat, thinking that the wind must have blown it there,  swept it up and thought nothing about it,  Easter Sunday coming back from Katie's ,   I noticed the grass back on my mat.  after some investigating I noticed what appeared to be a nest connected to my spring wreath ( I will show photos at the bottom of this post),  not as a separate entity, but as one connection,  my wreath, and the bird's nest.  This is my only way in my home it's not like I have another door.  I got my stepping stool to look into the nest and there was one egg (now 5)  the Momma Sparrow, flew about 3 feet away from me and gently scolded me, while perched on the railing.  What to do???  She and her partner worked so hard to make such a beautiful home for her offspring,  So i actually spoke with her..  (*yes my neighbors may think i am not right, )  and I told her we could make this work, but I would be using the door to go in and out of my home,  I told her I would be gentle while opening and closing the door knowing her babies will be there.  I told her she doesn't have to be fearful, and to continue what she was doing with the nest and one egg.  I asked her to please not air bomb me nor anyone else that comes to the door.  We have an understanding  now her and I,  When I leave my apartment i gently knock on the inside of the door to give her some warning that I will be opening it.  In the morning she usually just fly's to the railing 2  or 3 feet a way.  and she sits there and waits for me to leave,  I 'd like to think her gentle soft chirp is her telling me to have a nice day!  she isn't scolding me,   I've been scolded by her  before,  She is this beautiful Sparrow.   I'd like to think God sent her to me for some reason.   This sweet Bird came into my life the day my friend Scott died... so I like to think it's a message from above:   I guess a Sparrow symbolizes , Joy and Peace, Perseverance, Simplicity and Empowerment .....  Okay I will take that.

I am sad there is no mistaking it,  My best buddy Old Bill will be gone 9 months.   I lost my sweet dear friend Scott actually on Old Bill's Birthday.  I have had a few people private message me,  Did  I actually Love Scott?  and was he a "boyfriend"   Well of course I loved him,  he was easy to love, my entire family Loved him.   And I guess at my age (55)  what does the word "boyfriend" actually mean?  over the past few weeks, we shared our entire heart and soul with each other. he carried some issues with him, as we all carry ghosts of our pasts.   He asked me 3 weeks ago to be patient with him, as he was coming to the realization of a past issue, and he was hurting from it.   Yes I was falling for him, yes  I loved him, and yes we had made plans to see where the friendship would take Us.   I have so much faith and trust...... that he was to be in my life for an exact purpose, as I was in his life for the same.   I know of relationships that have been for 40 years,   but lacked honesty, commitment, friendship, and love.   and yes i knew Scott for years.....  but it was the last 5 months that we decided to see what happens.   I Thank God for those 5 months,  I thank God for allowing me to know Scotty inside and out, and I will not question why, or be angry why God took him home before we could even see what would happen  I miss him  so much, I can't stop thinking about him and my heart is broken.  but i continue to have that Peace and Joy that  I talk about often...... and by Grace I will be fine!!  today I cry...... and that is okay.

Please be Kind to one another,  enjoy today,  tomorrow isn't guaranteed!  


Just a little sad!! dealing with a few things

Yesterday was two years since my dear old friend and mentor died.  funny the second year brought up more memories than the first year of his...